==================== Old Dwarvish Lexicon ==================== Old Zhanîm (Old Dwarvish) Lexicon --------------------------------- *Vowels*: a-aa(a:)-â(ɑ)-au-ë(ɘ~ɨ)-i-ī(i:)-o-ô(ɔ)-u-ū(u:) *Consonants*: b--mb(ᵐb)-d-nd(ⁿd)-f-fh(ɸ)-g-h-k-kh(x)-k'-l-m-n-ng(ŋ)-p-p'-q-q'-r-s-sh(ʃ)-t-th(θ)-t'-v(ʋ)*-w-whr(βr)-y(j)-xh(X)-z-zh(ʒ)-'(ʔ) \* note the seems to have freely or unstably (possibly dialectally) varied between /v/ and /w/, with an average somehwere around /ʋ/. The is fairly 'dark', whereas the is probably around /ʁ/, with allophonic or dialectal range to /ʀ/ (e.g. in geminates) or even /ɾ/. Occasional etymologies or clarifications provided in italics. *Compounding rules*: - *Noun-noun:*\ NN compounds are head-final. They do not inflect internally. - Adjective-noun: These compounds are by and large NAdj. The adjective takes a compressed form (the first C) of the corresponding prefix if the N ends on a vowel; otherwise, it is fully present in older forms, omitted in newer ones. For each entry, the root form is given, followed by the grammatical type, the noun class or verbal category (where relevant), and finally a set of basic meanings. **bul** adj fat, bloated, swollen **mbyoma** n II bee **mbyum** n XX honey **daua** n II frog **dauâvbul** n II toad **dizhuk** n VII meal, supper **dizhâzh** num six **dug** n X bone **dugyū** n V vulture **duzh** n VII salt **ndâm** num one **ndân** n I human male, human person **ndun** n X (older) sister **fsa** num nine **fshish** n VIII plant (*gen.*) **fhir** n X foot **gimum** n V pick, pickaxe, ice axe **harmân** n XII river, stream **hâr** n XX lake, pool **kokkū** n V chicken, hen **krosâsh** n VII beer; alcoholic drink **kroshâ** n VIII grain (*gen.*); barley n XII granary n XVII grain (*granule*), grain seed **kru** adj bitter **krusvâs** n VII bread **khâr** n X beard (with moustache); facial hair **khuinnâr** num five **khul** n IV metal, ore **k'ur** n XIX eagle **k'us** num four **lammu** n XIV song **luruq** adj good; fitting (*both lit. and fig.*), appropriate **mammâ** n X mother **mân** n XII road, path, way **mir** n XII field, meadow **mnat** n VII fur, animal hair n X (body) hair **mnudôg** n X skull **mnut** n X head **mris** adj white, bright(-colored) **mum** n IV mountain **nashk** adj black, dark(-colored) **num** n XII land, terrain, territory, domain **ngâzt** num ten **ngis** n X nose **ngur** adj hard, strong **ngurkhul** n IV iron **pappâ** n X father **pasī** adj long, stretched, extended **pasīshīn** n X hare, rabbit (*long-ear*) **pâs** n XVII string, rope **qrut** n V knife, dagger **q'ayâr** adj red, yellow, orange, 'colored' **q'ëd** num two **q'iqqâs** num eight **riz** num three **rokhwâr** n XIX dragon **ruxh** n XX fire **sarrish** adj sweet, pleasant **sis** n X knee **sq'ân** adj new **stush** n X body; corpse **sul** n VIII nature; the totality of living things **sush** n XVI sand; beach **shâq** n VII fish **shâr** n XII place, area; location, position **shir** n XX light **shirkhul** n IV gold **shīa** n XIV feeling, sensation, experience; sense (*'the five senses'*) **shīnum** n X ear **tsâr** n IV rock, stone **thri** n X arm **thrīsis** n X elbow **t'ul** n V feather **urâz** n X tail; consequence, result, outcome; retinue, following **utsi** n X tooth, tusk **vathâzh** n XX soup, broth, stew **vân** n II female dwarf; woman (*in compounds*) **vâng** n VIII tree n XVII forest n XX wood (*material*) **vâz** n VII food; meat **wanu** n XIV intent, purpose, desire **warrū** n V worm n VII snake **wau** n V dog **whrish** n X hand **wushira** n IV the Sun **wū** n XII sky, air (*as surrounding*); weather **yân** n I male dwarf; man, person **yī** n X eye **yū** n V bird **zau** n X blood **zika** n II animal **zikha** adj fast **zim** n X (older) brother **zqâs** num seven **zhazhir** n X baby, infant, (small) child, offspring **zhân** n I (dwarf) person, conscious humanoid **zhâr** adj heavy; severe, strict; rigorous **'ashup** n XX drink; potable water or other viable liquid; juice **'is** n X heart; centre, middle