================== Old Elvish Lexicon ================== Note that when a word with verbal and nominal inflection has the verbal form semantically joined with the nominal (e.g. 'tie (with) rope'), the nominal form is normally omitted in usage unless emphasis is intended. It is as it were zero-incorporated. * = the final vowel is omitted if the next word begins with a vowel, diphtong, or w. Animacy is indicated for nouns. Otherwise the noun is inanimate. Word classes as indicated roughly correspond to the class the free root would belong to in English. However, in Old Elvish adjectives do not form a separate class as such and most roots can carry both nominal and verbal inflection. Note adj-noun compounds are left-headed ('rootbitter') while noun-noun compounds are right-headed ('firestone'). Romanization key: - long vowels and consonants doubled - ɪ: î - ɑ: â - ɛ: ê - ɔ: ô - ə: ë - æ: ae - ʃ: sh - θ: th - ð: dh - j: y -------- Lexicon: -------- **ae** *n an* water; pond, lake **ail** *adj* big, large; much, a lot *v* enlarge **êsail** **ar** *part* in order to **ath** *v* dwell, reside, live in *n* dwelling, living place, house, home **athil** **aul** *v* jump, leap, pounce **aum** *v* wish, desire, hope *n* wish, desire, hope **aunn** *v* eat **aus** *v* face, stand/be opposite; oppose, gainsay, contest; rebel *n an* face **auva** *adj* bitter *n* bitterroot (*Elvish edible plant*) **vaiauva** **aawan** *n an* hair (*on head*) **âm** (*pl.* **êm**) *n* thing, object (*also placeholder object*) **ânn** *v* stand, stay *n an* leg (*pl.* **ênn**) *n an* dog **siilânnil** *('little four-legs'*) **âz** *n an* eye (*pl.* êz) **ael** *v* know, understand, comprehend (*PE *aell*) *n* fact; truth; reality; essence *n* knowledge, understanding **ællar** **deôn** *num* two (*replaces proto-Elvish 'zul'*) *n an* twin **din** *v* affix, stick **e** *conj* and, also **epë** *n an* lower arm **eril** *num* six **eyan** *num* eleven **eun** *n* bone (*PE: *eeln*) *n* skeleton **eumnôn** **eus** *num* one *adj* single, alone **gala** *n* snow **Gae** *n an* fish (*generic*) *n* fish trap/net **dunGae** **G**\ :sup:`w`\ **ethë** *prep* to, for **G**\ :sup:`w`\ **inë** *n an* navel **G**\ :sup:`w`\ **ôn** *n/adj* gold **hal** *v* run, chase, hunt *n an* wolf **haxalo** ('*runs* + *intens. + hab. impf.*') **hon(ë)** * *det* all, every **idhe** *v* come (to), arrive (at), reach **il** *n* place (*placeholder*) **ilë** *n an* nose (P*E *hilên*) **in** *v* smell (*trans.*) (*PE *hiln*) *v* stink **êsin** **inti** *prep* with **iri** *num* three **iril** *num* eight **iriyan** *num* thirteen **ixrath** *adv* yesterday **înd** *v* sleep *n* sleep *v* nap **indôn** *n* nap **indôn**, **indil** **kal** *n an* head (*pl.* **kol**) *n* skull **ikal** **kawa** *n* copper **kii** *v* shoot, release (*bow*) *n* bow **koleen** *v* take, remove **kôlla** *n an* ear (*pl.* **kella**) **kôm** *n an* neck **lau** *v* (elf) woman, wife **lîmma** *n an* hand (*pl.* **lumma**) **lîn** *n an* elf (*generic term, not gendered*) **llath** *v* laugh **mael** *n an* leaf; page; scroll **mêsh** *n/adj* iron (tool) **mi** *v* move; walk, go *v* move (*trans.*), push **êsmi** **missalôn** *nan* music (*lit: 'state of being moved'*) **mizâl** *n* axe **nath** *n/adj* silver *n an* moon **nathail** ('*big silver'*) *n an* month **nathais** *n an* cat **nathailêz** ('*mooneyes'*) **oon** *v* see, observe *n* sight, view **ônd** *n* stone, rock **p**\ :sup:`h`\ **aella** *nan* horse **p**\ :sup:`h`\ **a** *det* here **p**\ :sup:`h`\ **enn** *n* feather **qal** *v* say, speak; recite; sing *n an* language, speech (*abstr.*); song *n an* epic, legend, myth (*'cycle'*) **qalmôn** *n an* bird **qalo** ('*sings + hab. impf.'*) **qaann** *n* horn *adj* hard **q**\ :sup:`w`\ **ar** *v* cut **âq**\ :sup:`w`\ **ar** *v* chop (into pieces) (*thing-cut*) **rath** *v* burn (*act.*) (*stat. uses reflex.*) *n an* fire *n in* flint, pyriterathônd (*firestone*) **rila** *num* five **rilyan** *num* fifteen **roa** *v* bleed, drain (*act.*) (*stat. uses reflex.*) *n an* blood **sâsh** *v* tie, bind *n* rope **zusâsh** *v* tie together (smth. to another th.) **sêth** *v* pull (out), draw out **siil** *num* four **siilyan** *num* fourteen **siiril** *num* nine **sulîs** *n* self; person; nature, essence; character **shae** *n* bark; book (*PE *ssae*) **shar** *n* mountain **sheth** *v* drink (*PE *seth*) *n* drink **shil** *n an* tongue **tissaa** *n an* knee t :sup:`h` ul *v* get, receive, obtain *n* gift **thâm** (*pl.* **thêm**) *nan* dwarf **thaer** *pron* who, what (*pl.* **thaeri**) **und** *n* tooth (*pl.* **ônd**) **us** *nan* foot (*pl.* **ôs**) **van** *v* shine, gleam, glitter *n* light, sheen *n an* sun **vavano** (*'shines intensely+hab. impf.'*) *n an* day **vavas** **vai** *n an* root, tuber; origin **vaa** *n an* mouth; (*fig.*) opening **wai** *n an* upper arm **wela** *n* tree **yana** *num* ten **yanyana** *num* twenty **yilth** *v* speed, hasten *n* speed *adj/adv* fast **yilthin** **zeu** *n an* ant **zul** *v* split, divide **zuril** *num* seven **zuyan** *num* twelve